iOS: button not working properly when keyboard is visible

(works fine in local but not in iOS)

i have a input box and a search button:

when i touch the TextInput the keyboard showup, when I touch outside or in any other element the keyboard hide.

if i type anything in the TextInput (keyboard up) and then i touch outside (keyboard down) and then i click on the search button everything works fine (the search button fills some items on a scrollview)


if i type anything in the TextInput (keyboard up) and then i click on the search button (keyboard still up) nothing happens… as soon as i click outside (wherever… not the button) the results appear (so the search was already done and the “click” was submited)


TextInput and Keyboard has gotten a lot of fixes the past month, are you able to share your UX code for this? Then I can verify if we have managed to cover the case that you are describing :slight_smile: