Image from File not being shown inside a NativeViewHost

Images from File is not being shown inside a NativeViewHost (Fuse 0.35, and 0.36)

			<Image File="Assets/128px-Map_icon.svg.png" />
			<Image Url=""  />

Neither on Android or iOS, in preview. This works when you use build.


Thanks for reporting. I was only able to reproduce your issue in iOS preview. I have found the bug and a fix is on the way :slight_smile:

Oh, glad to hear that, I’ve the same issue.

In new release (0.36.1) this issue still active. Is there any planned fix for this?

Yes, we will of course get it fixed. :slight_smile:
0.36 took a long time to get out so it was already in testing when this particular issue was fixed and 0.36.1 was a patch-release to specific regressions, so none of these contained that fix.

As far as I know the image problem should be fixed in 0.38 or (at the latest) 0.39.