How to access a WhileTrue Trigger on MainView from a Panel ux:Class

How to access a WhileTrue ux:Name=“Z” Trigger on MainView from a Panel ux:Class=“X”


<App Theme="Basic">

  <WhileTrue ux:Name="Z">
    <Change X.Value="true" />


<Panel ux:Class="SideBar">
    <Set Target="Z.Value" Value="true" />

What is X?

X is also a trigger on MainView

 <WhileTrue ux:Name="X">
    <Change ZZZ.Opacity="1" Duration=".2" Easing="CircularInOut" />

Can you show all the relevant code its hard to tell what you’re trying to do without it

Please check this App -->

I’m trying to follow some codes here but facing errors with ux:Dependency tag which doesn’t exists…

Still lost what part of that code are you trying to follow?

Please check (Line 2)

This is typically a state that you want to control from JavaScript.

However, if you want a pure UX solution, this is how:

In Fuse 0.20 and beyond, this is done using a ux:Dependency:

<Panel ux:Class="SideBar">
    <WhileTrue ux:Dependency="Z" />
    <Set Target="Z.Value" Value="true" />

And then:

<SideBar Z="Z" />

In earlier Fuse versions, you’d have to make SideBar an ux:InnerClass of your app to access symbols in that scope.

Ohhhhhh that’s really really intersting, now I understand ux:Dependency that should be used as the example when ux:Dependency is explained in /Docs

Hi, how can I access WhileTrue from my Sidebar?


<DockPanel ux:Class="Sidebar">
          <Toggle Target="loading"/>
          <RaiseUserEvent Name="ToggleLoggedIn"/>


<WhileTrue ux:Name="loading">
    <Change changeWidth.Value="true" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change loadCircle.Value="true" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change scaleAndFade.Value="true" Delay="2.5" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change showLoggedIn.Value="true" Delay="2.9" />

I don’t understand how to use ux:Dependency.

Hi Marco, have you seen the ux:Dependency documentation?