harfbuzz layout issue

Fuse 0.32.0 build 9613, OS X. Running preview on Android; did not check iOS.

Build commands:

  1. fuse preview -tandroid
  2. fuse preview -tandroid -DUSE_HARFBUZZ

Repro code:

	<Panel Width="90%" Alignment="Right" Margin="10">
		<Text FontSize="16" TextColor="#000" Margin="10" Value="見タハア差火つさ芸事そびの防社はまち橋番ミツテ美茨ミワ協本狭リ今相直約カスワホ熱官校くさ競宅と東魂オソ所転チウナヲ強81編妻占31勇雇みづさず。断ソヱモシ津視ン必公芸ヒタセウ健売シリ料備断フい責陣ふはり配両ゅ放万えが夜接イクキ不会ヒヨイ宮57図票つ県約た益文ノメ座作ゃておと。上康ぐ億計め理際ひ残2提げぞとい集週ヒソ回断ネスヲ化極ラセ展協86再にふごど月神籍華べめラ" TextWrapping="Wrap" />

When not using harfbuzz, the Text element expands to accommodate the whole message.
When using harfbuzz, the text is ellipsized after the first line.

Thanks for the detailed report Uldis. Keep them coming!

We’ll look into it internally.

Hey again Uldis!

We have a fix internally that’ll be included in a future release.

Thanks again for the report! :slight_smile: