In my app I have DirectNavigation and when I go to page2 I cant go back with GoBack. I go to the same page from different pages and I need to go back to the page that I access.
For example, if I am currently in page 1 and access to page 3 the app have to “remember” from wich page i access in the first place. So if I go back I have to go back to page 1.
I have something like this but nothing happen when I trigger GoBack:
The app opens at the “menu” page. Press the “login” button to get to the login-page, which contains 3 options to go back to the “menu” page…
The uppermost button is a BackButton without any NavigationContext set. This simply doesn’t work. (reading the code, my understanding is that it should search for my DirectNavigation and should indeed work) The middle button is a BackButton with NavigationContext set. This doesn’t appear. The bottom button is a normal button that simply navigates back to the “menu” page, and this works.
I think both the BackButtons should work, but they don’t…
DirectNavigation does not have a history, thus going back/fore do not work. Only LinearNavigation and HierarchicalNavigation have a history at the moment.