GoBack and GoForward does not have a property called 'WebView'

Both GoBack and GoForward does not have a property called ‘WebView’, But in the document page of these two, both have the property ‘WebView’ and ‘Context’.

<GoForward Context="myNavigation" />

<GoForward WebView="myWebView" />


Its Target

<GoForward Target="myNavigation" />

Thanks for pointing out the error in the documentation, will fix immediately!

I have change to Target, but it’s still told me has no such property.

'GoBack' does not have a property called 'Target' - /Users/yuanjs/Documents/projects/fuse/HelloWorld/MainView.ux(108:1):E

'GoForward' does not have a property called 'Target' - /Users/yuanjs/Documents/projects/fuse/HelloWorld/MainView.ux(113:1):E

Errors were encountered while building the project - (0:0):E

The correct attribute looks to be TargetNode, however using TargetNode navigation does not work for me in iOS simulator on OSX, using Fuse 0.9.5.

I have the same problem. GoBack and GoForward not working.

<SwipeGesture ux:Name="swipeLeft" Direction="Left" Length="200" Type="Simple" />
<Swiped Source="swipeLeft">

<GoBack TargetNode="mainWebView"></GoBack>

<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeLeft">
<Move X="-200" />

Thanks for reporting, I’ve raised a ticket on it.