When using GoBack on a Webview, a white blank page is presented when there are no more pages in the history, even when combined with WhileCanGoBack. The bug is experienced on iOS 10.3.3 in both preview and debug build.
That’s a known issue which we haven’t had the time to sort out yet. The cause of this is that an Observable string is by default created as "" and only gets the value you assign it after that. So the WebView still thinks it can go back, when you would correctly expect it to know that it can’t.
For a workaround, I’d suggest something like this:
<WhileCanGoBack NavigationContext="clientWebView">
<!-- make it match the initial value of the observable url -->
<WhileString Value="{url}" Equals="http://www.fusetools.com" Invert="true">
<GoBack TargetNode="clientWebView"/>