Fuse won't preview code

I’ve tried writing my code in Atom and Sublime and when i save the file it won’t update in Fuse Preview. Fuse is saying that the plug ins are installed. If i write code that is wrong it does show the error in fuse preview view but it won’t update to show anything at all. I’m on a Mac running Yosemite version 10.10.3



Fuse not updating might be due to a compile error. Have you checked the error output? Can you try rebuilding the project?

I’m not getting a preview with any code i write for all of my projects.

Atom and Sublime doesn’t update fuse preview. I have both packages installed and plugins. If I write code that’s wrong it will indicate errors.

Hi David,

is the problem that the local preview is all-white? If so, please refer to this post.

Yes, that is the problem. The preview is all white. I just read the post above. Can you explain to me how to fix the issue. Thank you for all of your help.

As explained in the other post, until there is an official release containing the fix you can make your install use stand-alone fuselibs. To make it happen, this is roughly what you need to do:

  1. make a local checkout of the master branch on this repo
  2. run the build.sh script in the repo ^ root (in Terminal)
  3. create a .unoconfig file in your home folder, with the contents something like this: Packages.SourcePaths += /path/to/fuselibs-public/Source (update the path according to where your repo lives)
  4. run uno config to check if the new config file is being picked up (in Terminal)
  5. run uno clean in the Fuse project folder just to be sure it’s clean
  6. run fuse preview in the Fuse project folder and keep your fingers crossed

For further details, refer to the docs on the fuselibs-public repository.