Fuse preview WARNING [CXX5202] 32/64bit

I get this WARNING when preview android app.

WARNING:[CXX5202] This app only has 32-bit [armeabi-v7a] native libraries. Beginning August 1, 2019 Google Play store requires that all apps that include native libraries must provide 64-bit versions. For more information, visit Android Developers Blog: Get your apps ready for the 64-bit requirement

This means that I won’t be able to publish to PlayStore if I create apps with Fuse Open?

By default, we include only 32-bit binaries when building preview/debug versions of apps. The reason is to save time when building since each architecture takes significant time to build.

Debug/preview builds are used locally to develop and and test your app.

You can make a Release build if you want to publish to Google Play, and this build will contain both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

uno build android --release /path/to/my/app




Hope to see version 3.0 released very soon!
You made a great software!