fuse preview on Android Error

I’m trying to do a fuse preview in Android via terminal with “fuse preview -t=Android”. My device is connected via USB.

But I get this error:

> # Detecting Android device
> Success
> # Trying to uninstall existing version of APK
> # Installing new version of APK
> Invalid APK file: Js-debug.apk
> (exit code: 1)
> ERROR: Native target failed to run

Also I try to do it with the dashboard but the same error appear.

(Fuse version 0.8.2)


Can you please provide some more information:

  • What android device are you using?
  • Have you installed the USB drivers for your android device?
  • Does this happen with all projects, or just particular ones? If particular, can you please provide a test case?

Thanks for reporting!

:::Duplicate POST:::

  • I’m trying with a Galaxy S4 and a Galaxy S6 Edge
  • I have all the USB drivers and Android File transfer installed. In the others version I can do it with “uno build --target=Android --run”
  • Happen with all my projects

EDIT: I create a new project and work! But all the projects that I create in previous version don’t work. How can adapt this project to work in fuse preview in android?


If your .unoproj file name contains spaces, could you try to remove them?

The .unoproj file don’t contains spaces…

Hey, could you please try to run uno clean in one of your old but not working projects?

It will cleanup the .cache and the .build directory. There are times(we are trying hard to prevent it) where our compiler is having problems parsing old caches or intermediate build directories.

Solved. I reintall the Android SDK and clean with < uno clean >


Help please, How reinstall Android SDK?

To reinstall Android SDK, open a terminal and type fuse install android.
