fuse install android: libxxx.so missing and no known rule to make it

We used to build our app using the following command when using Fuse 0.34:

fuse build --target=Android --configuration=Release -DGRADLE --set:SDK.BuildToolsVersion="23.0.3" --set:SDK.CompileVersion="25" --set:SDK.TargetVersion="25" --run

The app uses BrainTree’s Gradle dependencies so this was the only way we could get it to build.

After updating to Fuse 0.35, and after running fuse install android, we are still unable to make this command work. The build command results in an error like this:

/Users/user/Library/Application, needed by '../obj/armebi-v7a/libxxx.so', missing and no known rule to make it.

Any hints? Read the notes about switching from experimental Gradle to the standard one. What has changed?

This one is on me. It’s a spaces in paths issue. The fix is in the next release and the workaround is here: https://github.com/cbaggers/Fuse.Firebase/issues/36

Sorry that you got bitten by this