Hi all,
This is my first trial using sketch import, built successfully, but I found this exception when starting the app, so it cannot open:
Uno.Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Font asset not found signpainter-housesc-ede8165a.ttf
The following is generated automatically in sketch UX when importing:
<Font File="TestFuseSketch.sketch-assets/SignPainter-HouseScript.ttf" ux:Global="SignPainter_HouseScript" />
and this is in the mainview:
<Text Font="SignPainter_HouseScript" FontSize="48" TextColor="#000" Value="LOGIN NOW" X="0%" Y="20.7547169811321%" />
I checked the font, it’s there, in the correct location as defined in the UX.
When I try without the sketch defined font (I removed the <Font file…), the app build and run successfully.
Any idea about this?
…Using Fuse version 0.34.0 (build 10613) on Sierra 10.12.3 and Win10, same kind of font error…