Error with Stroke color and width

Hello I am using a separate file that acts like a loader called Spinner.ux in this file I have:

  <Circle ux:Class="Spinner" ux:Name="spinner" IsEnabled="false" StartAngleDegrees="0" LengthAngleDegrees="360" StrokeWidth="3">
<float ux:Property="StrokeWidth" />
<Stroke Width="{Property spinner.StrokeWidth}" LineCap="Round">
    <ImageFill File="Assets/GradientStroke.png" />
    <Spin Target="spinner" Frequency="1.5" />
	<Cycle Target="spinner.LengthAngleDegrees" Low="30" High="300" Frequency="0.5" />

And I call

<Spinner Width="20" Height="20" StrokeWidth="2" Visibility="Hidden" />

Like this however, after upgrading to the latest Fuse pro version 1.1.1 I get this error :

 /build/Local/Designer/cache/ux11/ W0000: Spinner.StrokeWidth hides inherited member 
        Fuse.Controls.Shape.StrokeWidth -- use the 'new' modifier if hiding is intentional

and if I built the application with this error or log or even warning, I get a black stroke and not styled at all.

And if I removed word spinner from spinner.StrokeWidth it triggers another error in my file and says that

 'this' declared in FeaturedSingle.ux(1) is a member of 'Ft_Single' and cannot be accessed from 'Spinner'. To make this work, consider 
 making 'Spinner' an ux:InnerClass of 'Ft_Single'. - /Users/mostafa/Desktop/Projects/ThreeBont 2/Spinner.ux(3:1):E

So What is the solution for this, and thanks in advance.

The first message you get is because you’re using StrokeWidth which is an existing property name on Shape, which Circle inherits from. You should choose property names that do not clash with existing property names.

As for the second error, this is the implicit ux:Name a ux:Class gets if you don’t specify an explicit ux:Name on it. So if you do specify a ux:Name, you need to use it for property paths, otherwise Fuse doesn’t know where your property resides and looks up the tree.

Here’s some code that should work as expected. Don’t mind the things I had to change to make it run on my machine:

	<Circle ux:Class="Spinner" IsEnabled="false" StartAngleDegrees="0" LengthAngleDegrees="360" StrokeSize="3">
		<float ux:Property="StrokeSize" />
		<Stroke Color="#18f" Width="{ReadProperty StrokeSize}" LineCap="Round">
			<!-- <ImageFill File="Assets/GradientStroke.png" /> -->
			<Spin Target="this" Frequency="1.5" />
			<Cycle Target="this.LengthAngleDegrees" Low="30" High="300" Frequency="0.5" />
	<Spinner Width="60" Height="60" StrokeWidth="10" />

Hope this helps!