Error to release Android app

Hi guys.

I’m trying to release my app with the command fuse build --target=Android --configuration=Release

but I’m getting this output / error:

$ fuse install android


Installing build-tools;23.0.1 which may take a long while...
Installing cmake;3.6.3155560 which may take a long while...
Installing ndk-bundle which may take a long while...
Installing platforms;android-21 which may take a long while...
Installing platforms;android-23 which may take a long while...
Installing extras;android;m2repository which may take a long while...
Installing extras;google;m2repository which may take a long while...
# Done installing android
LEANDROs-Mac-mini:validadorbr Leandro$ 
LEANDROs-Mac-mini:validadorbr Leandro$ fuse build --target=Android --configuration=Release
Uno 0.47.13 (build 5304) OS X 10.12 i386 627d8b4

Target is up-to-date -- stopping build (pass --force to override)
Building Android app
2/2: validadorbr.apk
ERROR: Unable to find the 'cmake' command. Please run 'fuse install android'. Expected to find cmake in 
## 2/2: validadorbr.apk
(unknown): E0200: Android build failed
(0.1 s)

Build completed in 1.08 seconds
    1 error

fuse: Errors were encountered while building the project

It says Unable to find the 'cmake' command but as you can see above I already installed it.

I also include cmake to PATH environment variable in this way ... /Users/Leandro/Documents/Desenvolvimento/android-sdk-macosx/cmake/3.6.3155560 and this way too ``… /Users/Leandro/Documents/Desenvolvimento/android-sdk-macosx/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin`

Any idea / suggestion?


Hi Leandro,

I did a quick search on the forums and found two threads that might be of help.
One is this and the other is this.

Hope this helps. If not, I’ll get someone else to take a look / ask relevant questions to get you going.

Hi Uldis.

Thank you for your time again.

Unfortunately none of those links helped me. About the first one, I checked my java -version and here it is the output:

LEANDROs-Mac-mini:~ Leandro$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)

I also checked other JVM installed (jdk 1.7) and this one is 64-bit as well.

About the second one, I didn’t find this .sdkConfig file. Where exactly this .sdkconfig file is? I’m using a Mac OS, by the way.


Hi Leandro,

Try running uno clean inside the directory, then running Fuse again. It should work for you then.

Hi Noah,

Thank you for your time. I did it but it doesn’t worked, I could run my app on Android device using uno build but just as a debug version. I have to release it.

Try to use uno clean