Fuse version: 0.25.4(build 7659)
Operating system version: OS X El capitan
I want to try the Fuse examples to view how does it works and looks and give a try to fuse, but for now it’s impossible, it’s frustrating, (I’m trying to play the examples on an Moto X 2gen)
- Download the most recent Fuse version
- Install
- Download example (CircleMenu.unoproj)
- Android package was already installed
- ![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/DSxHj5ch2D8T-image-1473908542461.54.53 PM.png)
- Open the CircleMenu.unoproj
- Target to android
- Fuse keeps showing error on building related to android installation
- ![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/YEUXsdwnOASX-image-1473908734173.51.14 PM.png)
- Rerun fuse install android
- Reopen CircleMenu.unoproj
- Fuse is showing the same error message.
Target: Android (moto X 2gen - Android 6.0)