Hi guys,
First of all, fantastic work with 0.20 version, so cool!
But I have a problem (maybe 2) to fix my app (0.12) with the new version of Fuse.
I have an Home page with an EdgeNavigation and a DirectNavigation (with the upgrade, app dont works correcty). If i delete them, my app works.
I was wondering why these Navigators still exist in 0.20.
Anyone can help? thanks!
Thanks for the feedback! Are you able to share the UX code in question? Then I can have a look at it
this is my code!
<DockPanel ux:Class="Homepage">
<!-- PAGE CLASS -->
<Page ux:Class="AnimatedPageApp">
<Move X="1" RelativeTo="ParentSize" Duration="0.5" Easing="CubicIn"/>
<Move X="1" RelativeTo="ParentSize" Duration="0.5" Easing="CubicIn"/>
<Panel ux:Class="Header" Height="50" ux:Name="self">
<string ux:Property="PageTitle" />
<DropShadow />
<SolidColor ux:Name="BackgroundColorHeader" Color="#006666" />
<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBounds" Alignment="Left" Padding="20">
<Callback Handler="{openMenu}" />
<!-- <Set EdgeNavigator.Active="menu" /> -->
<Rectangle ux:Name="topRectangle" Height="2" Width="25" Fill="#FFF">
<Translation Y="-7" ux:Name="topMenuTranslation" />
<Rotation ux:Name="topMenuRotation" />
<Rectangle ux:Name="middleRectangle" Height="2" Width="25" Fill="#FFF" />
<Rectangle ux:Name="bottomRectangle" Height="2" Width="25" Fill="#FFF">
<Translation Y="7" ux:Name="bottomMenuTranslation" />
<Rotation ux:Name="bottomMenuRotation" />
<Text Value="{Property self.PageTitle}" Alignment="VerticalCenter" TextAlignment="Center" TextColor="#FFF"/>
<JavaScript File="home.js" />
<DockPanel ux:Name="Principal">
<StatusBarBackground Dock="Top" />
<EdgeNavigation ux:Name="EdgeNavigator" Active="{Active}" />
<Sidebar Width="70%" ux:Name="menu" Edge="Left" Alignment="Left">
<Move X="-1" RelativeTo="Size" Easing="ExponentialInOut"/>
<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeRight">
<Set EdgeNavigator.Active="menu" />
<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeLeft">
<Set EdgeNavigator.Active="Principal" />
<Change sfondo.Color="#0007" Duration="0.2"/>
<!-- <Panel ux:Name="sfondo" /> -->
<DirectNavigation ux:Name="PrincipalNav" Active="{currentPageHandle}"/>
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="Account">
<Header Alignment="Top" PageTitle="Account"/>
<SolidColor Color="#FFF" />
<Account />
<BringToFront />
<Change imgbto.Width="80"/>
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="Home">
<Header Alignment="Top" PageTitle="Home"/>
<SolidColor Color="#FFF" />
<Image ux:Name="imgbto" File="icons/my_icon.png" Margin="0,100,0,0" Alignment="Top" Padding="20" Width="150"/>
<BringToFront />
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="EventsList">
<EventsList />
<BringToFront />
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="Reports">
<Reports />
<BringToFront />
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="Books">
<Books />
<BringToFront />
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="Infographics">
<Infographics />
<BringToFront />
<AnimatedPageApp ux:Name="Contacts">
<Header Alignment="Top" PageTitle="Contacts"/>
<SolidColor Color="#FFF" />
<Contacts />
<BringToFront />
<BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom"/>