Design problems to rotate the screen to horizontal


I have the following problem, when I press the button with the screen rotated to horitonzal mode.


My Code:


<App Theme="Basic">
    <JavaScript File="MainView.js" />
        <TopFrameBackground DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
        <BottomFrameBackground DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"/>
        <Splash Visibility="{splashVisibility}" />
        <LoginPage Visibility="{loginVisibilty}" />


    <Panel Background="#000" Alignment="Default">
        <JavaScript File="LoginPage.js" />
            <Text TextColor="#ffffff" />
            <TextInput PlaceholderColor="#ffffff80" TextColor="#ffffff" CaretColor="#ffffff" />

        <!-- Button colors -->
        <float4 ux:Key="C600" ux:Value="#8869e5" />
        <float4 ux:Key="C700" ux:Value="#6447b3" />
        <float4 ux:Key="CFillFore" ux:Value="#644793" />

        <Grid Rows="1*,1*">
            <StackPanel Alignment="Center" Margin="50,0,50,0">
                <Text FontSize="50">My APP</Text>
                <Text ux:Name="Description" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center" Opacity=".8" Value='Description'>
                        <Change Description.Visibility="Collapsed"/>
            <StackPanel Margin="50,0,50,0">
                <TextInput PlaceholderText="Correo Electrónico" Value="{username}" />
                <TextInput PlaceholderText="Contraseña" IsPassword="true" Value="{password}" />
                <Text TextAlignment="Right" Padding="0,0,8,10">Olvidé mi Contraseña</Text>
                <Button Text="Iniciar Sesión" IsEnabled="{areCredentialsValid}" />

I’ve done tests and I think that the problem is in these 2 files.


What device are you running this on? I have tested this on my Google Nexus 5 and this did not happen there :S