just upgraded to and can not run the project anymore. It was running just before the upgrade and no changes have been done to the project.
The source of the issue seems to be this part:
<Panel ux:Class="MyButton" ux:Name="self">
<string ux:Property="Text" ux:Value="MyButton" />
<float4 ux:Property="CornerRadius" ux:Value="0" />
<float4 ux:Property="BackgroundColor" ux:Value="#f00" />
<float4 ux:Property="TextColor" ux:Value="#000" />
<Text Alignment="Center" FontSize="20" TextColor="{Property self.TextColor}" Value="{Property self.Text}"/>
<Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="{Property self.CornerRadius}">
<SolidColor Color="{Property self.BackgroundColor}"/>
It gives this error: E8001: Nodes marked with ux:Property can not specify ux:Value. To assign a default value to ‘TextColor’, put ‘TextColor="#000"’ on the containing class node.
If you need more I can of course provide the whole project.