Upcoming changes & fixes to ux:Property

We’ve received quite a few bug reports and change suggestions for the recently introduced ux:Property feature. Based on your feedback, we’ve made lots of fixes and improvements.

This leads to the following changes:

A node marked with ux:Property no longer represents the default value, but just a definition of the property. The default value has to be specified either on the containing class node, for example:

<App Theme="Basic">
    <Panel ux:Class="MyPanel" ux:Name="self" Paint="#f00">
        <Brush ux:Property="Paint"/>

        <Rectangle Fill="{Property self.Paint}"/>
        <MyPanel Paint="#00f" />

Or, you can use ux:Binding to set a complex object as default value:

<Panel ux:Class="MyPanel" ux:Name="self" >
    <Brush ux:Property="Paint"/>
    <LinearGradient ux:Binding="Paint">
        <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="#f00" />
        <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="#0f0" />

    <Rectangle Fill="{Property self.Paint}"/>

With this new syntax, you can define a propery of a base class, and use a derived class as default value, like here. This in turn fixes {Property foo} bindings which require source and destination to be the exact same type.

Unfortunately, these changes don’t seem to make it for 0.9.6, but almost certainly the next version. Thanks for your patience!