Best practice for REST API

Hey guys, what’s the best practice struturing and call services in REST API?

This is my code and I would like other opinions about the best way to make this.

Do you do it any other way?

obs: Sorry for my english, I’m learning :sweat_smile:


var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

var ROOT_URL = "myurl";

function apiFetch(path, options) {
	var url = encodeURI(ROOT_URL + path);

	if(options === undefined) {
		options = {};
	// If a body is provided, serialize it as JSON and set the Content-Type header
	if(options.body !== undefined) {
		options = Object.assign({}, options, {
			body: JSON.stringify(options.body),
			headers: Object.assign({}, options.headers, {
				"Content-Type": "application/json"

	// Fetch the resource and parse the response as JSON
	return fetch(url, options)
	.then(function(response) {
		return response.json().then(function(data){
			return data;

module.exports = {
	apiFetch: apiFetch


var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

// Variables
var email = Observable();
var password = Observable();

// Public functions
function login() {


	var user= {
		"email": email.value,
		"password": password.value

	loginUser(user).then(function(result) {


// End Public functions

// Private functions
function checkInputValue(){
	if(!email.value || !password.value){
		console.log("Email or password is invalid");
// End Private functions

// Call REST API

var sharedService = require("../../../shared/services/services.js");

function loginUser(obj) {
	return sharedService.apiFetch("login", {
		method: "POST",
		body: obj

// End Call REST API

module.exports = {
	email: email,
	password: password,
	login: login

There’s no fixed way of doing it but I think you’ve got the right idea. I would keep my “requires” at the top of the page though.

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