ayuda con el tutorial

I’m inicando with fusetools, I started doing the tutorial of your page when I get to the part of:


Page ux: Class = “HomePage”
Router ux: Dependency = “router” /

when I add the dependency, it gives me the following error.

‘HomePage’ must specify required attribute ‘router’

Errors Were Encountered while building the project

I would appreciate any help.


Looks like the error is telling you that the router attribute is not set.

If you are following the hikr tutorial I suspect that you have done something like this:

<Page ux:Class="HomePage">
    <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

Now HomePage cannot be instantiated without its dependency (dependency injection). So you need a <Router /> in scope and pass it to the HomePage.

For example:

<Router ux:Name="router" />
<HomePage router="router" />

Did you managed to get your problem fixed?
Yo hablo Español, si tienes una duda pregunta con confianza.