Ive been following the end-to-end tutorial and trying to place the concepts into my own app. In the tutorial when clicking on a hike it takes you to the details page for that hike by passing the parameters to the router.
In my app i do the same, yet when the clicked element is a custom element it gives me the following error:
Router parameters must be serializeable, cannot contain functions.
I also see the Oops something went wrong screen that gives:
Object reference not sent to an instance of an object.
Below you can see the code I currently have, can anyone tell me if I am doing something incorrectly. Ive console logged the values and they seem to be objects.
console output:
<App Background="#E4E4E4">
<Router ux:Name="router" />
<Navigator DefaultPath="listPage">
<ExerciseListPage ux:Template="listPage" router="router" />
<ExerciseDetailsPage ux:Template="detailsPage" router="router" />
<RestPage ux:Template="restPage" router="router" />
<Panel ux:Class="ExerciseDetailsPage">
<Router ux:Dependency="router" />
<JavaScript File="ExerciseDetailsPage.js" />
<TextInput ux:Class="FormInput" FontSize="16" Height="40" PlaceholderColor="#ccc" Margin="10,0,10,0" Padding="10">
<Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="5">
<Stroke Width="1" Color="#ccc" />
<SolidColor Color="White" />
<Text ux:Class="FormLabel" FontSize="18" Margin="12,10,0,0" />
<FormLabel Value="Name:" />
<FormInput PlaceholderText="Exercise Name" Value="{name}" />
<FormLabel Value="Weight" />
<FormInput PlaceholderText="Start Weight" Value="{weight}" InputHint="Decimal" />
<FormLabel Value="Sets" />
<FormInput PlaceholderText="Number of Sets" Value="{numSets}" InputHint="Number" />
<FormLabel Value="Reps" />
<FormInput PlaceholderText="Number of Reps" Value="{numReps}" InputHint="Number" />
<FormLabel Value="Rest" />
<FormInput PlaceholderText="Rest Amount (in seconds)" Value="{rest}" InputHint="Number" />
<FormLabel Value="Bar Used" />
<ToggleControl Margin="15,4,15,4" Width="100%" Height="48" Focus.IsFocusable="true" ux:Name="_switch" Value="{barUsed}">
<Toggle Target="_switch" />
<SwipeGesture Direction="Right" Length="38" Type="Active" ux:Name="swipe" IsActive="{Property _switch.Value}" />
<SwipingAnimation Source="swipe">
<Move Target="thumb" X="173"/>
<Change trackText.Value="0kg" />
<Change trackText.Alignment="CenterLeft" />
<Change thumbText.Value="20kg" />
<Change thumbText.Color="#fff" />
<Change thumbFill.Color="#7BC8EF"/>
<Change trackFill.Color="#fff"/>
<Change strokeColor.Color="#fff"/>
<Panel Layer="Background">
<Rectangle ux:Name="thumb" Width="50%" Height="34" CornerRadius="23" Alignment="CenterLeft" Margin="4,0,14,0">
<Text ux:Name="thumbText" Value="0kg" Alignment="Center" Color="#999" />
<SolidColor ux:Name="thumbFill" Color="#eee" />
<DropShadow Angle="90" Distance="0" Size="2" Spread="0.05" />
<Rectangle CornerRadius="23" Width="100%" Height="40" Alignment="Center">
<Text ux:Name="trackText" Value="20kg" Alignment="CenterRight" Color="#999" Margin="80,0,80,0" />
<SolidColor ux:Name="trackFill" Color="#ffffff00" />
<SolidColor ux:Name="strokeColor" Color="#ffffffff" />
<Change thumbFill.Color="#bdbdbdff" Easing="QuadraticInOut" Duration="0.25" />
<Change trackFill.Color="#0000001e" Easing="QuadraticInOut" Duration="0.25" />
<FormLabel Value="Increase Amount" />
<FormInput PlaceholderText="Increase Weight Amount" Value="{increaseAmount}" InputHint="Decimal" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Panel ux:Class="gymRat.Button" Margin="10" Padding="10">
<string ux:Property="Text" />
<Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="#7BC8EF" CornerRadius="4">
<DropShadow Angle="90" Distance="1" Spread="0.2" Size="2" Color="#00000060" />
<Text Value="{ReadProperty Text}" Color="White" FontSize="16" TextAlignment="Center" />
<Scale Factor=".95" Duration=".08" Easing="QuadraticOut" />
<gymRat.Button Text="Cancel" Clicked="{cancel}" />
<gymRat.Button Text="Save" Clicked="{save}" />
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var Context = require("Modules/Context");
var exercise = this.Parameter;
var name = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.name; });
var weight = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.weight; });
var numSets = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.numSets; });
var numReps = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.numReps; });
var rest = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.rest; });
var barUsed = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.barUsed; });
var increaseAmount = exercise.map(function(x) { return x.increaseAmount; });
function save() {
if (exercise.value.id >= 0) {
Context.updateExercise(exercise.value.id, name.value, weight.value, numSets.value, numReps.value, rest.value, barUsed.value, increaseAmount.value);
} else {
Context.createExercise(name.value, weight.value, numSets.value, numReps.value, rest.value, barUsed.value, increaseAmount.value);
function cancel() {
exercise.value = exercise.value;
module.exports = {
name: name,
weight: weight,
numSets: numSets,
numReps: numReps,
rest: rest,
barUsed: barUsed,
increaseAmount: increaseAmount,
save: save,
cancel: cancel
note: using the commented section this doent give the error but my custom exercise component contains other functionality that I require
<Panel ux:Class="ExerciseListPage">
<Router ux:Dependency="router" />
<JavaScript File="ExerciseListPage.js" />
<StackPanel Dock="Top" Color="#515153">
<StatusBarBackground />
<Panel Height="56">
<Panel Alignment="Right" HitTestMode="LocalBounds" Width="56" Height="56" Clicked="{createExercise}">
<Rectangle Height="2" Width="20" Color="#fff" />
<Rectangle Width="2" Height="20" Color="#fff" />
<Shadow Distance="1" Size="3" />
<WhileEmpty Items="{exercises}">
<StackPanel ux:Name="emptyView" Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="20">
<Text Alignment="Center" FontSize="20">Nothing to see here</Text>
<Text Alignment="Center">Add an exercise using the button above</Text>
<Change emptyView.Opacity="0" Duration="0.2" />
<Scale Factor="0.4" Duration="0.4" Easing="CubicInOut" />
<Change emptyView.Opacity="0" Duration="0.2" />
<Each Items="{exercises}">
<Panel Width="100%" Height="120" Margin="10">
<Rectangle Color="#fff" Layer="Background" CornerRadius="5" />
<Panel Alignment="Top" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" Clicked="{goToExercise}">
<Text Alignment="Left" FontSize="18" Color="#000" Margin="18,15,0,0" Value="{name}" />
<Text Alignment="Right" FontSize="14" Color="#000" Margin="0,18,18,0" Value="{weight} kg" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Alignment="BottomCenter" Margin="5">
<Each Count="{numSets}">
<Reps MaxCount="{numReps}" BgColor="#7BC8EF">
<OnUserEvent EventName="completed" Handler="{completed}"/>
<Exercise ux:Name="exercise" Id="{id}" ExerciseName="{name}" Weight="{weight}" NumSets="{numSets}" NumReps="{numReps}" Rest="{rest}" IncreaseAmount="{increaseAmount}" BarUsed="{barUsed}">
<OnUserEvent EventName="startRest" Handler="{startTimer}" />
<OnUserEvent EventName="updateExercise" Handler="{goToExercise}" />
<Change exercise.Opacity="0" Duration="0.3" />
<Change exercise.Opacity="0" Duration="0.1" />
<Move Y="1" RelativeTo="PositionChange" Duration="0.15" Easing="CubicInOut" />
<Shadow Distance="3" Size="2" Angle="120" />
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var Context = require("Modules/Context");
function goToExercise(arg) {
var exercise = arg.data;
router.push("detailsPage", exercise);
function createExercise() {
var exercise = {};
router.push("detailsPage", exercise);
startTimer = function(args) {
var rest = args.data.rest._values[0];
router.push('restPage', rest);
module.exports = {
exercises: Context.exercises,
goToExercise: goToExercise,
createExercise: createExercise,
startTimer: startTimer
Thanks in advance.