The App is crashing when pressing the back button (or back in preview mode on PC) twice when there is nothing to go back to. First time nothing happens, second press the App crashes with stacktrace:
[Viewport]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Fuse.Navigation.Router.GoUp() in C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Navigation\1.7.2\ 278
at Fuse.Navigation.Router.GoBack() in C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Navigation\1.7.2\ 263
at Fuse.Navigation.Router.OnKeyPressed(Object sender, KeyEventArgs args) in C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Navigation\1.7.2\ 157
at Fuse.Input.KeyPressed.Invoke(KeyPressedHandler handler, Object sender, KeyPressedArgs args) in C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Nodes\1.7.2\Input\ 63
at Fuse.VisualEvent`2.InvokeInternal(THandler handler, Object sender, TArgs args) in C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Nodes\1.7.2\ 149
This is on Fuse 1.7. In 1.6 the exact same code works without a crash. Code example of minimum App that recreates the crash:
<Router ux:Name="router"/>
<Navigator DefaultPath="home">
<Page ux:Template="home">
<PageControl ux:Name="containerControl">
<Text Value="Page 1" />