Android Installation (Fuse 1.0.2)

In the latest (as of writing this) Fuse 1.0.2, I have been trying to install android components in a Windows 10 laptop.

I tried using the built-in command fuse install android, but the following errors are displayed:

command error

I also tried installing all components (Platform 23, Built-Tools, NDK & CMake) using Android Studio, but Fuse doesn’t seem to be able to find those components:

Any ideas on what could be going wrong?

Thanks beforehand :slight_smile:

Hi Jorge,

Where is the Android SDK located? Also, did you run Android Studio in elevated mode (with administrator)?

Hey Emil,
Android SDK was installed in AppData\Local\Android\sdk.
And no, I didn’t run Android Studio in admin mode.

I see, this warning, which should’ve been an error is reported by Google’s package installer. Some Android Studio users have hit this problem before, so I think your best bet is to follow their approach of fixing it.
