Android Bottom Menu


In some Android devices (those that have a bottom menu in the screen) the content of my app it is covered by this bar:

How can I do to my app ends before this menu?

To the top bar menu I put this:


But BottomFrameBackground dont work. How I use this?


What device are you using? Need to do some testing here. It’s correct to use BottomFrameBackground.

I tested in Motorola Moto G.

But where I have to put the BottomFrameBackground? Before < /App>?

I tested in Motorola Moto G.

But where I have to put the BottomFrameBackground? Before < /App>?


This is how i’m using it.

<App xmlns:b="Outracks.UIThemes.MobileBlue" ux:Class="MainView" ClearColor="1, 1, 1, 1" ux:AutoCtor="false">
    <b:MobileBlueStyle  />
        <TopFrameBackground DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
            <Button Text="Nothing" Alignment="Top"/>
            <TextInput Alignment="Top"/>
            <Button Text="Even less" Alignment="Bottom"/>
        <BottomFrameBackground DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" />

Does this help? If not can you post some details of the device (model, os version, etc). That would help track down the issue. Cheers

Chris Bagley: In my Android device still dont work… (Motorola Moto G. with Lollipop 5.0.2)

And when the Keyboard showup the design crash. And when the Keyboard hide dont return to previus state… (this happen also in IOS, iphone 5s)

Its a error of BottomFrameBackground? Or I am implementing wrong?

In the Galaxy Note 3 happen the opposite… The Height content of the app is larger than the screen!

It works with Chris Bagley’s solution on a Moto G 4. Tks