A way to get the current page title


I want to show the title of current page on the top bar. I couldn’t find a generic way to do this so I managed this manually through the DataContext that is passed to the clicked handler like this:

    exports.goToMainPage = function(args) {
      router.goto("homePage", {}, args.data.pageName, {} );
      exports.currentPageTitle.value = args.data.title;

But when there is a goBack I can’t seem to do the same thing for sure.

Hoping to find a more solid solution to optain current page info, I’ve tried to use the HistoryChanged event of Router class like the following:

<Router ux:Name="appRouter" HistoryChanged="{routerHistoryChangedHandler}" />

by attaching the following basic handler:

exports.routerHistoryChangedHandler = function(args) {

But it didn’t work. I get the following error:

No methods matches the parameter list and return type of delegate type Fuse.Navigation.HistoryChangedHandler

How does this event work? Can it help me to solve my problem?

Thanks in advance,


There is a Page binding that binds to the current page object of a navigation. This is used to create title bars, such as:

<Panel Navigation="yourNavigationObject">
   <Text Value="{Page Title}"/>

The Navigation= binds it to the desired navigation and the {Page Title} is the lookup of a resource in that page, where Title is mapped to the title.

This was tested primarily on PageControl, but I think it should work on Navigator as well (if not then we need to correct it).

From JS we have a pending issue to make the Active part of navigation 2-way bindable, which would give you some limited introspection into the current page.

HistoryChanged isn’t what you want. I’m not sure that is even meant to be public.

Thanks for the reply.

I’ll try out Page binding on Navigator and let you know if it works.


It works with PageControl but it doesn’t work with Navigator. It gives the following error:

The node 'mainNav' can not be used here: The type must be compatible with 'Fuse.Navigation.IBaseNavigation' - /Users/ipek/Documents/workspace/fuse/_test-cases/PageTitleInNavigation/MainView.ux(6:1):E

Object reference not set to an instance of an object - (0:0):E

I wasn’t sure what I should write to the Navigation property of top StackPanel: I tried Router's name at first. It didn’t give error but it also didn’t work. Then I used PageControl's name and it worked for PageControl.
Here is the test App:

      <Router ux:Name="appRouter" />

        <DockLayout />
        <StackPanel Dock="Top" Navigation="mainNav" >
            <Panel Color="#2CAE3F" Height="45">
                <Text Value="{Page Title}" FontSize="22" Alignment="Center" TextColor="#fff" />

        <Page ux:Class="Page01">
          <string ux:Key="Title" ux:Value="Page01 Title" />

          <Text Value="Page01" />

        <Page ux:Class="Page02">
          <string ux:Key="Title" ux:Value="Page02 Title" />

          <Text Value="Page02" />

        <Page ux:Class="Page03">
          <string ux:Key="Title" ux:Value="Page03 Title" />

          <Text Value="Page03" />

        <PageControl ux:Name="mainNav">
            <Page01 ux:Name="page01" />
            <Page02 ux:Name="page02" />
            <Page03 ux:Name="page03" />

        <Navigator ux:Name="mainNav" DefaultTemplate="page01">
            <Page01 ux:Template="page01" />
            <Page02 ux:Template="page02" />
            <Page03 ux:Template="page03" />


I have the same issue. It doesn’t work with Navigator. Any suggestions?


I’ve prepared this small app in order to explain my need more clearly. The navigated page names could have been more intuitive :slight_smile: Sorry that I couldn’t made them better.

I need to set the currentPageTitle Observable variable to show the current page’s title in the top panel.

I also need this information in order to know the state I’m in, for bussines logic wise (in that case I won’t use PageTitle of course :slight_smile: ).

I’m looking for a solution that has an event bound/ trigger callback handler kind of logic: Not something that I’ve to manually update currentPageTitle value in every function call.

Does Fuse have any mechanism like this in current version?

  <Router ux:Name="router" />

    <Page ux:Class="BasePage" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" HeaderColor="#595FFF" HeaderTextColor="#fff">
        <string ux:Property="PageName" />
        <float4 ux:Property="HeaderColor" />
        <float4 ux:Property="HeaderTextColor" />

          var self = this;

          exports.showPageName = function() {
              debug_log('showPageName.PageName: ' +  self.PageName.value);


        <DockLayout />

        <StackPanel Dock="Top">
            <Panel Color="{Property this.HeaderColor}" Height="45">
                <Text Value="{Property this.Title}" FontSize="22"
                      Alignment="Center" TextColor="{Property this.HeaderTextColor}"/>

    <BasePage ux:Class="MainPage" HeaderColor="#595FFF">
        <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

    <BasePage ux:Class="SubPage" HeaderColor="#F68FD7">
        <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

    <BasePage ux:Class="PushedPage" HeaderColor="#2CAE3F">
        <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

        <DockLayout />
        <Panel Dock="Top" Navigation="router">
                <Button Text="Go Back" Clicked="{goBack}" />

    var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');

    exports.currentPageTitle = Observable("");

    exports.goBack = function() {

    exports.gotoHomePage = function() {

    exports.gotoLoginPage = function() {

    exports.gotoHomeSubPage01 = function() {
        router.goto('homePage', {}, 'homeSubPage01', {});

    exports.gotoHomeSubPage02 = function() {
        router.push('homePage', {}, 'homeSubPage02');

        exports.gotoHomeSubPage02PushedPage02 = function() {
            router.push('homePage', {}, 'homeSubPage02', {}, "homeSubPage02_Pushed02", {});

        exports.gotoHomeSubPage02PushedPage03 = function() {
            router.push('homePage', {}, 'homeSubPage02', {}, "homeSubPage02_Pushed03", {});

    exports.gotoHomeSubPage03 = function() {
        router.goto('homePage', {}, 'homeSubPage03', {});


        <DockLayout />

        <StackPanel Dock="Top">
            <Panel Color="#000" Height="45">
                <Text Value="Top bar that will show the value of currentPageTitle" FontSize="16"
                      Alignment="Center" TextColor="#FFF"/>

        <Navigator DefaultTemplate="loginPage">
            <MainPage ux:Template="loginPage" PageName="loginPage" router="router" Title="Login Page">
                <Button Text="Goto Home Page" Clicked="{gotoHomePage}" Alignment="Top" />
            <MainPage ux:Template="homePage" PageName="homePage" router="router" Title="Home Page">
                <DockLayout />
                <Button Text="Goto Login Page" Clicked="{gotoLoginPage}" Dock="Top" />

                <Navigator DefaultTemplate="homeSubPage01">
                    <SubPage ux:Template="homeSubPage01" PageName="homeSubPage01" router="router" Title="HSP 01" />
                    <SubPage ux:Template="homeSubPage02" PageName="homeSubPage02" router="router" Title="HSP 02" >
                        <Navigator DefaultTemplate="homeSubPage02_Pushed01">
                            <PushedPage ux:Template="homeSubPage02_Pushed01" router="router" Title="HSP 02 - PP 01">
                                <DockLayout />
                                <Button Text="Goto HSP 02 - PP 02" Clicked="{gotoHomeSubPage02PushedPage02}" Dock="Top" />
                            <PushedPage ux:Template="homeSubPage02_Pushed02" router="router" Title="HSP 02 - PP 02">
                                <DockLayout />
                                <Button Text="Goto HSP 02 - PP 03" Clicked="{gotoHomeSubPage02PushedPage03}" Dock="Top" />
                            <PushedPage ux:Template="homeSubPage02_Pushed03" router="router" Title="HSP 02 - PP 03">
                    <SubPage ux:Template="homeSubPage03" PageName="homeSubPage03" router="router" Title="HSP 03"/>

                <StackPanel Dock="Bottom" Background="#F68FD7">
                    <Button Text="Goto HSP 01" Clicked="{gotoHomeSubPage01}" />
                    <Button Text="Goto HSP 02" Clicked="{gotoHomeSubPage02}" />
                    <Button Text="Goto HSP 03" Clicked="{gotoHomeSubPage03}" />

Thanks in advance,


I’ll add a feature request to get the binding working on Navigator. In the meantime you can try using something like:

   <Change ...>

On each page in the navigator to modify something else in the display. It isn’t as nice, but it can work for some use-cases.

Thanks a lot edA-qa mort-ora-y!

The binding will really be useful. I’ll also try the workaround you suggested.

The way I worked around this limitation was to create a separate component for top bar, and this component has a Title property. On each page, I simply add the component with a custom title. It will be nice if this actually starts working with the Navigator.