How to trace the current target of Navigation?


                <GridLayout RowCount="1" ColumnCount="3" />
                <Panel ux:Class="Nav" />

                    <Text Content="A"/>
                        <NavigateTo Context="_nav" Target="_A" />

                    <Text Content="B" />
                        <NavigateTo Context="_nav" Target="_B" />

                    <Text Content="C" />
                        <NavigateTo Context="_nav" Target="_C" />

I would like to know what is the current target. Thanks!

I dont fully understand your usecase. Could you provide some more information on what you are trying to do?

Thanks :slight_smile:

HI! Kristian.

For example, there are 3 pages called A, B and C. When I click the B button, the page changes to page B. And what I want to know is whether there is a property/matter, which stores the name of current page, i.e. before clicking: A, After clicking: B.

Sorry about my poor expression in English…

Thank for ur help!


If you are using for example <LinearNavigation ux:Name="navigation"/> you could get it from navigation.Active