Navigation and PageControl parameters

Using Fuse 0.25.1 on Windows.

I am using Navigator with a page that contains a PageControl. The page is called “home” and the page control has “page1” and “page2”.

I am unable to receive any parameters. I am pushing a route in this manner:

router.push("home", {}, "page1", { type : "something from 2", ticks : ticks})

I have tried:

var params = this.Parameter;
var type = { return x.type; });

this.Parameter.onValueChanged(module, function(param) { 

What am I doing wrong? Also now that there is an Activated trigger for page navigation shouldn’t the parameters come through that handler?

Hi, thanks for the report!

Yes this looks like a bug to me too, unless there’s something else I’m missing here…

I’ve created a ticket and will keep you updated.

I’m not able to reproduce this problem. Are you sure you are using the Parameter from the correct object?

My example:

		<Router ux:Name="router"/> 
			var count = 0
			module.exports.goP1 = function(){ 
				router.goto('P1', { title: "ID:" + ++count } )
			module.exports.goP2one = function(){ 
				router.goto('P2', "", 'one', { title: "ID:" + ++count } )
			module.exports.goP2two = function(){ 
				router.push('P2', "", 'two', { title: "ID:" + ++count } )
		<StackPanel Dock="Left">
			<Button Text="P1" Clicked="{goP1}"/>
			<Button Text="P2/one" Clicked="{goP2one}"/>
			<Button Text="P2/two" Clicked="{goP2two}"/>
		<Page ux:Class="MyPage">
				this.Parameter.onValueChanged( module, function(args) {
					console.log( "Changed: " + args.title )
				exports.title = function(x) {
					return x.title
			<Text Alignment="Center" Value="{title}"/>
		<Navigator DefaultTemplate="P1" ux:Name="theNav">
			<MyPage ux:Template="P1" Color="#afa"/>
			<Panel Color="#aaa" ux:Template="P2">
					<MyPage Name="one" Color="#aaf"/>
					<MyPage Name="two" Color="#aff"/>