Workflow advice

Is there a way to preview just one page/component?

My problem is that when I code some panel/component I want to check it very often. But after “Save” command I get my Home page preview. It OK, but then I need push all the buttons, swipe the pages, fill forms to navigate to this special popup where my panel lives so I can check how it looks.

My app is growing quickly and preview take more and more time.

I can temporaly change Active page and hide some panels to navigate to my component more quickly, but may be there is a better way?

What I want - some kind of button “Refresh” in preview window. So I can push it (or hit F5) and preview show me current state of the app.

We are very much aware of the problem (it annoys us too!), and we have a few things we’re doing in the upcoming new Fuse visual tooling to solve this.

The first release probably won’t solve it completely, but will make it a bit nicer to work with in some scenarios. Then it will get progressively better in future releases.

For now, changing the active page while I’m working on it is what I personally do to work around it.