WhileBusy when loading a local image


when i select a picture from the camera roll it takes about 1 second to be displayed on the app. I would like to do “something” while that happens. I thought that would be done with whilebusy but it seems is not working with non url images, am i wrong?

<Image File="{image}" Width="80" Height="80" StretchMode="UniformToFill">
        <Change backgroundPic.Opacity="0"/>
<Image ux:Name="backgroundPic" File="backPic.png" Width="80" Height="80" StretchMode="UniformToFill"/>

for example in this sample i would like the background picture to hide while the image is loading.

Have not tested but try:

<Image File="{image}" Width="80" Height="80" StretchMode="UniformToFill">
        <Image ux:Name="backgroundPic" File="backPic.png" Width="80" Height="80" StretchMode="UniformToFill"/>


  <Image File="{image}" Width="80" Height="80" StretchMode="UniformToFill" />
  <Image ux:Name="backgroundPic" File="backPic.png" Width="80" Height="80" StretchMode="UniformToFill"/>
    <Change backgroundPic.Opacity="0"/>