W0000: Absolute path. In Uno, paths should be relative to specifying file

I keep getting the following warning about absolute path error when loading external assets as fonts:

C:\Fuse\my_app\build\Local\Designer1\cache\ux13\MainView.g.uno(664.88): W0000: Absolute path C:/Fuse/myapp/Assets/Lato-Regular.ttf. In Uno, paths should be relative to specifying file

or images:

C:\Fuse\my_app\build\Local\Designer1\cache\ux13\NewsItem.g.uno(1234,68): Warning W0000: Absolute path C:/Fuse/my_app/Assets/hourglass.png. In Uno, paths should be relative to specifying file

This happens for every asset I load. I did add the correct Includes in the .unoproj file:

"Includes": [

And this is how I display the images:

<Image File="Assets/mail.png" />

The app works fine and all elements are correctly loaded and displayed, but still I would like to fix this warning.