January 28, 2020, 1:00pm
Hey guys,
how you can help me out here. I am currently trying to put a video in an element with round corners. But the video is ignoring the cornerradius of the parent and stretches to the full edge, is there a way to avoid this?
I tried it like this:
<Rectangle Row="0" CornerRadius="20, 20, 0, 0" Width="100%" Dock="Top">
<Video Url="VIDEOURL" AutoPlay="true" IsLooping="true" StretchMode="UniformToFill" />
Also searched for a CornerRadius option on the Video element or something like VideoFill (similar to ImageFill). Any ideas?
January 31, 2020, 1:27pm
I was now able to solve this by using a Mask:
<Panel Layer="Overlay" Opacity="0">
<Grid Rows="4*, 4*, 2*" Margin="25, 70, 25, 40">
<Mask Mode="Alpha" File="../Assets/Images/mask.png" />
<Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="20" Color="#FFFFFF" />
<Rectangle Row="0" CornerRadius="20, 20, 0, 0" Width="100%" Dock="Top">
<Video Url="VIDEOURL" AutoPlay="true" IsLooping="true" StretchMode="UniformToFill" />
<StackPanel Row="1" Padding="20">
<Text Value="TEXT" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="18" Dock="Top" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
<Text Value="TEXT" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="14" Dock="Top" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
<MyButton Row="2" Text="Close" Alignment="VerticalCenter" Clicked="{overlayClose}" Dock="Bottom" Margin="20" />
<Rectangle ux:Name="background" Color="#000000" Opacity="0.7"/>