Uno datetime parse?

Hi guys,

I’m playing with basic level uno code and i write a tiny expression class number formatter

	public class ToFormat: BinaryOperator
		public ToFormat(
			[UXParameter("V")] Fuse.Reactive.Expression v,
			[UXParameter("F")] Fuse.Reactive.Expression f) :base(v,f)
		protected override object Compute(object v,object f)
			return string.Format(f.ToString(),v);


module.exports= {

<Text Value="{=toFormat({moneyF},'{0:N1}')}" />

and now a question uno have datetime parse and toString(format) ?

Hi Hilmi,

could these two links help get you started?

Hi UIdis,

thanks for reply, this is little bit maybe painful (~. ~)
i have another question, is possible uno call js function inside like this;

    return 555;

<Text Value="{=toDateFormat(44,{fn})}" />
	public class ToDateFormat: BinaryOperator
		public ToDateFormat(
			[UXParameter("V")] Fuse.Reactive.Expression v,
			[UXParameter("F")] Fuse.Reactive.Expression f) :base(v,f)
		protected override object Compute(object v,object f)
                          var mValue=f();  /* this is possible ? */
			return mValue+v;

Hi Himli, did you get it working??