In the simulator: when displaying dateOpened, the system display the correct date as expected such as 01/19/2018 03:12:10
On the Android phone: display “uno.DateTime” instead of “01/19/2018 03:12:10”. Had to change “DateOpened” to “DateOpened…toString()” to get something I can work on (still need to find how to get the new format to a “proper” display format I prefer).
I would generally suggest to use JavaScript to do Date -> string formatting, instead of depending on the format DateTime.ToString() in Uno generates (which is what the code currently does).
The issue causing dates to print different values on different platforms has been fixed and will go out in 1.8. Javascript should still be used for date formatting wherever possible though, as the DateTime struct will always print its absolute time in UTC, which is probably not what’s desired when communicating to users.