The APK build doesn't work on some android devices due to deprecated API

While making the release build for android I get this message.

Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

The apk file build after that doesn’t work on few android devices like Xiaomi MI etc.

How to fix the issue?

Did you try to recompile with Xlint:deprecation as the instruction reads?

How to do that?

fuse build --target=Android --configuration=Release --Xlint=deprecation doesn’t work

ERROR: Invalid argument: --Xlint=deprecation.

That warning occurs for all Android builds as far as I know and it should not be a problem.

The issues you’re seeing on some Android devices are most probably unrelated to this - but we’d really like to work them out as well! :slight_smile: If you can make a new forum thread for those, including as much relevant info as possible, that’d be great!


Thanks anyways!