TextTransform Attribute for both <Text> and <TextInput>

TextTransform would always transform the values to the transform type, no matter what the value is

module.exports = {
 text: Observable('hello world')


<Text TextTransform="Capitalize" Value="{text}">
<Text TextTransform="UpperCase" Value="{text}">
<Text TextTransform="LowerCase" Value="{text}">

Would display:

  • Hello World
  • hello world


<TextInput TextTransform="Capitalize" Value="{text}">
<TextInput TextTransform="UpperCase" Value="{text}">
<TextInput TextTransform="LowerCase" Value="{text}">

Would display the same as above, just in a TextInput

Keyboard would be locked to the type of transformation

  • For capitalize the keyboard would show uppercase letters for the beginning of each word

  • For uppercase the keyboard would show all uppercase

  • For lowercase the keyboard would show all lowercase