Textedit size

So I got a textedit. I want to make it so that it’s trigger takes up the hole space that it has. sadly, it is in many compacting containers, as you will see in the code. I want to make it eat up the hole space but without getting over of my buttons. the code is here:

<App Theme="Basic">
    <StatusBarBackground Dock="Top"/>
    <BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom" IncludesKeyboard="false"/>
        <Panel ux:Class="BlankButton" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" />

        <Text ux:Class="SmallText" FontSize="14" Font="RobotoRegular" TextColor="#999" />
        <JavaScript File="MainView.js" />
        <DockPanel Margin="0" Background="White">
            <Rectangle Layer="Background">
                <Stroke Width="1" Brush="#ddd"/>

            <StackPanel Dock="Top" Color="#4CAF50">
                <DropShadow />
                <Grid Columns="auto,1*,auto,auto">
                    <BlankButton Width="60" Height="60" Clicked="{toggleAll}">
                        <Panel Layer="Background">
                            <Panel Height="1" Width="16" Background="#ddd">
                                <Rotation Degrees="45"/>
                                <Translation X="-0.5" RelativeTo="Size"/>
                            <Panel Height="1" Width="16" Background="#ddd">
                                <Rotation Degrees="-45"/>
                                <Translation X="0.5" RelativeTo="Size"/>
                            <Translation Y="8"/>
                    <TextEdit Value="{titleInput}" TextColor="#fff" FontSize="18" TextWrapping="NoWrap" Alignment="CenterLeft" MinWidth="100" Margin="10,10,15,10" />
                    <BlankButton Clicked="{clear}" Width="60" Height="60" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
                        <Panel Layer="Background" Height="16">
                        <Panel Width="20" Height="1" Background="#ddd">
                            <Rotation Degrees="45"/>
                        <Panel Width="20" Height="1" Background="#ddd">
                            <Rotation Degrees="-45"/>
                    <BlankButton Clicked="{addItem}" Width="60" Height="60" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
                        <Panel Layer="Background">
                            <Panel Height="1" Width="30" Background="#ddd"/>
                            <Panel Width="1" Height="30" Background="#ddd"/>


Simply remove Alignment from your TextEdit and you should be ok!