Swipe Pages Callback


I try to mimic the mobile imgur pages layout which you can experience here (with mobile useragent): http://m.imgur.com/gallery/N3kn8Dw

This is my current UX:

<PageControl ux:Name="slides" ClipToBounds="true">
  <Each Items="{contentPages}">
      <Page><NewsItem /></Page> 

Now I need a way to check if the page has been switched so I can remove the first element of contentPages and add a new one.

Hi Moritz,

Why are you going to remove the contents of the page after you have swiped it away? The <Each> block will create a new Page for every item in contentPages, so you can set different layouts and content for each page depending on your object.


I want to have 3 Pages, [0, 1, 2].

My Main-View should be 1, if the user swipes right, it should move the index and prefetch data like in this screenrecord:


This represents it in the best way I can think:

<PageControl Active="current">
  <Page Name="current">
      <NewsItem />
        <Callback Handler="{previousAction}" />
  <Page Name="current">
      <NewsItem />
  <Page Name="next">
      <NewsItem />
        <Callback Handler="{nextAction}" />

Hi, I don’t quite get what you mean by looking at the screen recording, all I see is pages being swipped by. I believe what you are trying to do is:

<LinearNavigation Active="Page1" />

  <Page ux:Name="Page0">
      <NewsItem />
        <Callback Handler="{previousAction}" />

  <Page ux:Name="Page1">
      <NewsItem />

  <Page ux:Name="Page2">
      <NewsItem />
        <Callback Handler="{nextAction}" />

If you want to go back to the “center” page (Page 1) after swiping to the other ones you would add <NavigateTo Target="Page1" /> after the Callback. Also, if that is indeed the case, I would suggest you do this with SwipeGesture instead of using Pages.


I tried your solution but it wont work the way, I try to describe it better:

You can swipe left and right to get new newsitems, once you swiped right it should add a new page and remove the first page.

Is there a way to dynamically add a Callback to a Page?


I believe that to achieve what you want you should take a look at this demo https://www.fusetools.com/examples/pages-using-js

You will need to load the pages from Javascript as an Observable object and add a new page to it every time you swipe right by calling a javascript function, with <Callback Handler="..." /> exactly as you were doing in the first place.

function Page(number) {
    this.number = number;

var count = 0;
var pages = Observable();

function addNewPage() {
    count += 1;
    pages.add(new Page(count));

module.exports {
    addNewPage : addNewPage,
    pages : pages,
    count : count

<LinearNavigation Active="Page1" />
<Page ux:Name="Page0">
<Page ux:Name="Page1">
<Page ux:Name="Page2">
        <Callback Handler="{addNewPage}" />
<Each Items="{pages}">
        <Text Value="{count}" />

I hope this guides you towards the right direction!