Fuse version 1.1.0 (build 13808)
macOS Sierra 10.12.5
If I make any menu selection the app crashes.
I am getting these two log entries:
Fuse[16761]: objc[16761]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/ViceroyTrace.framework/Versions/A/ViceroyTrace (0xa64d4090) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Versions/A/AVConference (0xa64eaea4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.fusetools.Fuse.25132[16761]): Service exited with abnormal code: 255
I’ve now prepared a custom build that might provide some extra information about this crash. It can be found along with instructions here (just ignore the “This is an older version of Fuse” warning).
We’d appreciate anyone experiencing this problem trying this version out and sending us their logs afterwards.
EDIT: Unfortunately it turns out this custom version did not log what it was supposed to, so there’s little point in trying custom build all.
The forum user Raju has now been very helpful in figuring out a solution to (what looks like) the same or similar problem. It turns out the custom window manager Moom is not compatible with Fuse, and this is likely to be the case with various similar software.
I can’t say for sure that this is the same bugs as the one you’re experiencing, but if you have any software like that installed you could try disabling that and see if that fixes the crashes.