Hey guys,
I’ve been working in a library to share content from JS to Twitter and Facebook. In the next few days I hope to complete the implementation of FB iOS and also sharing using the standard sheet with picture.
Here is an example of how it works
var SocialShare = require("SocialShare");
// Create your post or tweet using JSON
var myTweet = {
text: "This is a tweet from a Fuse app :D",
// url : "https://www.fusetools.com",
via : "fusetools"
var fbPost = {
text: "This is a post from a Fuse app :D",
imageUrl: "https://www.fusetools.com/assets/dist/images/frontpage/showcases@2x.png",
url : "https://www.fusetools.com"
// Show the social share dialog.
Just one question Is it correct to use Fuse.LibraryName or is it reserved for official projects?