scroll view doesn't work with Social media example sidebar

scroll view doesn’t work with Social media example sidebar. is there a way i can make it scroll when i have more meun in the side bar.
And i have tried all i knw. quick response will be appreciated


There is a way: use Grid class.

Full code:

<Grid Rows="auto,1*" ux:Class="Sidebar" Background="#212831">
	<WhileInactive Threshold="0.4">
		<Move Target="user" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.3" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="stats" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.2" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="browser" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.15" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="feed" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.1" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="chat" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.05" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="chat1" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.05" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="chat2" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.05" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="chat3" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.05" Easing="CircularIn" />
		<Move Target="chat4" X="-180" Duration="0.2" Delay="0.05" Easing="CircularIn" />

		<Text ux:Class="Username" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="18" Color="#fff" Margin="0,8,0,0">
		<Font File="assets/fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold.otf" />
		<Text ux:Class="Stats" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="16" Color="#fed166" />
		<Text ux:Class="Relations" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="11" Color="#414f5e" />
		<Text ux:Class="MenuLabel" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="18" Color="#414f5e" Margin="0,0,0,0">
			<Font File="assets/fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf" />

		<StatusBarBackground Background="#909498" />

		<StackPanel ux:Name="user">
			<Panel Height="90" />
			<Circle Width="85" Height="85">
				<ImageFill Url="" WrapMode="ClampToEdge"/>
			<Username>EDWARD PRICE</Username>

		<Grid ux:Name="stats" Alignment="HorizontalCenter" ColumnCount="3" Margin="0,10,0,15">
			<StackPanel Width="70">
			<Rectangle Height="40" Width="1">
				<SolidColor Color="#414f5e" />
			<StackPanel Width="70">

	<Image ux:Class="SidebarIcon" Height="22" Width="22" Margin="0,24,0,9" Color="#7a96b2" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="browser">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Browser.png" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="feed">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Feed.png" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="chat">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Chat.png" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="chat1">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Chat.png" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="chat2">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Chat.png" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="chat3">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Chat.png" />
			<StackPanel ux:Name="chat4">
				<SidebarIcon File="assets/icon/Chat.png" />
				<MenuLabel>CHAT End</MenuLabel>

@Williams: scroll view doesn't work is something that asks for you to explain how it does not work, and include a complete, minimal reproduction of the code you’ve written.

Come back with that and we’ll sort it out in no time.

@phuongwd Thank u very much and God bless u. Ur answer was pefect.
and @Uldis Thank u also u guys rock