Resources - Correction of website guide

In your developer guide on resources: You have a couple lines of code that no longer works.

"The following code defines a new Image class called BurgerIcon that you can reuse anywhere in your code.

< Image ux:Class=“BurgerIcon”>
< MultiDensityImageSource>
< BundleFileImageSource File=“Burger.png” Density=“1”/>
< BundleFileImageSource File=“Burger.png@2x.png” Density=“2”/>
< /MultiDenistyImageSoruce>
< /Image>"

This part:
“< BundleFileImageSource File=“Burger.png” Density=“1”/>
< BundleFileImageSource File=“Burger.png@2x.png” Density=“2”/>”

Should be:
“< BundleFileImageSource BundleFile=“Burger.png” Density=“1”/>
< BundleFileImageSource BundleFile=“Burger.png@2x.png” Density=“2”/>”

This doesn’t work either, although not sure how to correct it:
“< BurgerIcon Alignment=“TopLeft” />”

And how do you correctly paste code on this forum?

That is indeed outdated and will be updated alongside our next beta release. As for the forum, we support Markdown, so you can do things like this:

That turns into this:

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";

Here’s a Markdown cheat sheet should you need it. :slight_smile:

Code can simply be intented by a tab :slight_smile:

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