Problem with integrating Android Native Library

So I wrote a code for SystemSounds as per the examples it worked, so i was experimenting with notification for one of my projects using the Android’s NotificationManager


So here is the code for that:

CASE 1: Tried without the setSmallIcon

object ShowNotification(Context c, object[] args)
        var notification = new Notification.Builder(Activity.GetAppAcitivity()).setContentTitle("Title of the Notification").setContentText("content in the notification").build();
        var id =122;

        return null;

RESULT ERRROR : '' does not contain a member called 'Builder'.

CASE 2: Commented a few lines to check what errors i got

object ShowNotification(Context c, object[] args)
        //var notification = new Notification.Builder(Activity.GetAppAcitivity()).setContentTitle("Title of the Notification").setContentText("content in the notification").build();
        var id =122;

        return null;

RESULT ERROR: ',' is non-static and cannot be accessed from a static context

And the Query for Android Images:


takes image as a type and it needs to be in R.drawable.image format how do we define our drawables in fuse?

I will try other Android Apis to check how to go about till i figure out how to get this working.


I will have to get back to you on this one. We have a bit reduced staff until people get back from vacation in january.

Any news on this one?