Hi there, sorry for the trouble, but i will need some help undersanding how connect Java and UNO.
well i have some random code in java.
* toast
import com.fuse.Activity;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.content.Context;
public class Alert {
public void message(String Text){
and some random code in UNO
using Uno.Threading;
using Uno;
using Uno.Collections;
using Uno.UX;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;
using Android;
using Uno.Permissions;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Scripting;
using Fuse.Triggers.Actions;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;
[extern(Android) ForeignInclude(
public class Basics : NativeModule{
static readonly Basics _instance;
public Basics(){
if (_instance != null) return;
_instance = this;
Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance, "Basics");
AddMember(new NativeFunction("voiceReader",(NativeCallback)voiceReader));
public static extern (!Android) object voiceReader(Context c,object[] text){
debug_log "Imagina que mandas mensaje: "+text[0];
return text;
public static extern (Android) object voiceReader(Context c,object[] text){
return null;
public extern(Android) static void reader()
Alert toast=new Alert();
toast.message("hola mundo");
the problem is that i cant link these together, what is missing?
$ fuse build -t=Android -c=Preview
Uno 1.3.2 (build 5946) Windows 10 x64 f04d7e8
(1.0 s)
Compiling syntax tree
(2.7 s)
Generating code and data
(5.2 s)
Building Android app
C:\Users\Alberto\Documents\Fuse\Critica\build\Android\Preview\app\src\main\java\com\apps\critica\critica.java:35: error: cla
ss Critica is public, should be declared in a file named Critica.java
public class Critica extends android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity implements ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCa
C:\Users\Alberto\Documents\Fuse\Critica\build\Android\Preview\app\src\main\java\com\foreign\Basics.java:40: error: cannot fi
nd symbol
Alert toast=new Alert();
symbol: class Alert
location: class Basics
C:\Users\Alberto\Documents\Fuse\Critica\build\Android\Preview\app\src\main\java\com\foreign\Basics.java:40: error: cannot fi
nd symbol
Alert toast=new Alert();
symbol: class Alert
location: class Basics
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
3 errors
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.
:app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportAnimatedVectorDrawable2340Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72340Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportDesign2340Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportRecyclerviewV72340Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42340Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportVectorDrawable2340Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBase920Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBasement920Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesMaps920Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesTasks920Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugAidl UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugSources UP-TO-DATE
:app:incrementalDebugJavaCompilationSafeguard UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).
:app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
Total time: 14.369 secs
(15.8 s)
Build completed in 24.68 seconds
1 error
(unknown): E0200: Android build failed