Placing an image

How would you achieve this design?


What would be the layout code?
My code is currently overlaying it self all over each other.

There are many ways you could do this, ut i would use either a StackPanel, Grid or DockPanel.

Here is an example:

    <Image Dock="Top"/>
    <Panel>...bottom content...

did this answer your question?

Great!, starting to look good. How wold you make the rounded corners on top of the image?

How do I force text in Text field to word wrap?

I suggest you look into the documentation to start to learn what you can do with Fuse:

Rectangle (rounded corners):
Text (wrapping):

Ok, found the textwrap tag: TextWrapping=“Wrap”

Bent Stamnes wrote:

I suggest you look into the documentation to start to learn what you can do with Fuse:

Rectangle (rounded corners): Fuse
Text (wrapping): Fuse

Didnt realize I can wrap images in rectangles. Thanks!

You can achieve rounded corners on the top of an image using a Rectangle with an ImageFill brush.

Something like this:

<Rectangle CornerRadius="3,3,0,0">
    <ImageFill File="..." />