I have a question normaly in JavaScript if I want to get an Element from an Html file I use getElementById but as I get the html file from a http request I get an Response and I want to get an Element form this response by his Id. I thought maybe, I can create a temporary Html file, but I have no idea how I can do this if it was web-Based I would create a file like this:
var temp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); //<- the console says Script stack trace: ReferenceError: document is not
temp.body.innerHtml = response; /*<- response is response.responseText */ /*defined*/
Perhaps you could LoadHtml into a hidden WebView, and then perform EvaluateJS on it. console.log(JSON.stringify(document)) and you’ll see what structure you have there, and figure out how to get access to what you need.
That said, it is very much preferred to consume JSON data from a backend whenever possible.
Can you show some of your code to explain how the problem arises? A complete, minimal reproduction that we could copy-paste and run would be excellent.