I am currently having a strange behavior with a PageControl in a ScrollView.
With the PageControl, I am trying to each through a list of images and create a gallery.
This is working fine.
But I created some Changes to the height of the PageControl, in a ScrollingAnimation, which results in not displaying the images correctly.
Here is what one of the images is looking like after scrolling:
<ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="500">
<Change backgroundPictureImage.Height="150" Easing="QuadraticOut"/>
<ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="-1500">
<Change backgroundPictureImage.Height="800" Easing="QuadraticOut"/>
<PageControl ux:Name="backgroundPictureImage" Alignment="Top" Height="200">
<Each Items="{images}">
<Image LayoutMaster="backgroundPictureImage" ContentAlignment="TopCenter" TransformOrigin="Anchor" Url="{}" StretchMode="UniformToFill" />
Is this a bug or did I missed something here?