Opening a project with <Android> and <Mobile> tags in the project file, removes the tags

This is removed from the project file when opening the project:

<Copyright>Copyright (C) 2014</Copyright>

It only keeps the rootnamespace, References and Files tags

This makes it impossible for me to sign the apk, as the keystore is removed when opening the project, any ideas??

That definitely sounds like a bug, I’ll have a look.

Which version of Fuse is this, and on which platform? Does it happen right when you open the project, or when you preview/export?

Never mind, I have reproduced it both on OSX and Windows now.

We have a ticket for this now, but I don’t think we will manage to get a fix out before the weekend.

A somewhat cumbersome workaround in the mean time is:

  • Make a copy of your project.unoproj to project.original
  • Work as normal in Fuse
  • When you want to deploy your app
    • Copy project.original to project.unoproj
    • Build from the command line: uno build --target=android

Not the most pleasant workflow, but unfortunately that’s the best we can do until the bug is fixed.

Thanks! Not too cumbersome, just happy I can build to android again :slight_smile: