Hi Guys,
I am making a App with fusetools connected with Salesforce.com in backend.
I would like to know what should be the redirectURL in my connectedapp ?
Does Oauth works well with fuseTools? According to my knowledge , Oauth should open in separate web browser.
And i want to get the accesstoken after sucessfull login to make future Api calls.
Please clarify.
Thanks, Ravi Narayanan
Hi Ravi !
You should look at this Fuse tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwF9LsX0jEY And more generally to URI redirection for OAuth on mobile !
Good luck on that, keep us in touch of where you are in that, other people are interested in using OAuth with Fuse
Sure. Will give a try with this approach. But i found one more idea , just using REST API for connecting with Salesforce by pasisng username/password.
I was able to get the access token using the above approach of passing username/password.
But Oauth in browser will be even more awesome.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Hi Ravi!
We published a new repo yesterday (https://github.com/fusetools/fuse-samples). It has a couple examples of authenticating with a web service.