Multiple swipes

Hello guys,

I’m trying to implement something that looks like the inbox example.

I would like to add two “kind” of swipes to the “card”:

  • Swiping until some length of the card (it shows an icon to click) file

  • Swiping all the card (it performs an action)

I managed to implement this, but for the full swipe I need two steps (swipe to the middle and then all the way through). Is there any way for the swipe to detect which one I’m trying to perform so I can make the full swipe in one step?

Also, when you swipe one card until the middle of the card and you see the icon to click, then I want to swipe another card. Is it possible to make the first one go back to it’s original state?

Thank you in advance.

Ana Almeida wrote:
Is there any way for the swipe to detect which one I’m trying to perform so I can make the full swipe in one step?

This is extremely confusing. If you’re swiping in a single given direction, how do you expect to distinguish between two SwipeGestures that are set up for the same direction? It’s just common sense that both of them would trigger (well okay, depending on the Length, but still?).

Is it possible to make the first one go back to it’s original state?

Sure, just reset the SwipeGesture state. The easiest way would be to use a Type="Active" SwipeGesture, so give the types a read to find out how to toggle the active state.

As usual, there’s not much else we can suggest without seeing a complete, minimal reproduction that we could copy-paste and run.

Hi Uldis, thanks for you answer.

Regarding the first question, I couldn’t find an example in any app I’ve tried, usually you get one of the types I describe, or you swipe all the way or just the lenght enough to show the options.
But it is a requirement in the app I’m implementing (though it doesn’t make much sense) so I had to ask.

Regarding the second question, I already read the stuff about SwipeGestures and I still couldn’t implement the behaviour I described and that’s why I asked. The minimal reproduction I can show you is similar to the example I referred.

<App Background="#fff">
	<DockPanel ux:Name="appDock">

		<StackPanel Dock="Top" Background="#79f">
			<StatusBarBackground />
			<Fuse.iOS.StatusBarConfig Style="Light" />
				<Text Value="Inbox" TextAlignment="Center" Color="#fff" FontSize="24" Margin="0,10,0,5" />
		<BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom" />
				<Each Items="{messages}">
							<Stroke Offset="4" Width="1" Color="Black" />
						<SwipeGesture ux:Name="swipeLeft" LengthNode="appDock" Direction="Left" Type="Active" Length="200"/>
						<SwipeGesture ux:Name="swipeAllLeft" LengthNode="appDock" Direction="Left" Type="Active"/>
						<!-- Left swipe events -->
						<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeLeft">
							<Set postponeIcon.Opacity="1"/> 
							<Scale Target="postponeIcon" Factor="1.8" Easing="BackOut"/>
						<Swiped Source="swipeAllLeft">
							<Callback Handler="{removeItem}" />

						<Panel Background="#fff" ux:Name="contents">
							<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeLeft">
								<Move X="-0.2" RelativeTo="Size"/>
							<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeAllLeft">
								<Move X="-1" RelativeTo="Size"/>
							<DockPanel Margin="7,1,7,0">
								<StackPanel Margin="7,3,7,7">
									<Text Value="{subject}" FontSize="16" />
									<Text Value="{sender}" FontSize="16" Color="#999" />
									<Text TextWrapping="Wrap" Value="{summary}" FontSize="14" Color="#000" />

						<Text ux:Class="Operation" TextAlignment="Center" Alignment="Center"
							Color="#fff" FontSize="22" />
						<Operation ux:Name="postponeText">Removed</Operation>
						<Rectangle ux:Name="postponeIcon" Width="15" Height="15" Margin="30" Alignment="CenterRight">
							<SolidColor Color="Black"/>
							<Text Value="R" Alignment="Center" Color="White" FontSize="10"/>
								<Callback Handler="{removeItem}"/>

							<SolidColor ux:Name="background" Color="#eb0" />

						<!-- Animations -->
							<Move RelativeTo="Size" Y="-1" Duration="0.4" Easing="CircularInOut" />
							<Move RelativeTo="LayoutChange" Y="1" Duration="0.8" Easing="CircularInOut" />

		var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

		function Message(sender, subject, summary) {
			this.sender = sender;
			this.subject = subject;
			this.summary = summary;

		var messages = Observable(
			new Message("santa@claus.northpole", "Rumours have it you've been bad", "I heard you went to school without doing your homework."),
			new Message("", "Running late for dinner", "Sorry, babes, I am running a little late tonight, can you just start without me?"),
			new Message("", "Hello, pardaner", "I just got shot up bad at the Wounded Knee. I took a bullet to the knee."),
			new Message("", "EVERYWHERE!", "I'm telling you, there were penguins everywhere. As far as the eye could see."),
			new Message("santa@claus.northpole", "Rumours have it you've been bad", "I heard you went to school without doing your homework."),
			new Message("", "Running late for dinner", "Sorry, babes, I am running a little late tonight, can you just start without me?"),
			new Message("", "Hello, pardaner", "I just got shot up bad at the Wounded Knee. I took a bullet to the knee."),
			new Message("", "EVERYWHERE!", "I'm telling you, there were penguins everywhere. As far as the eye could see."),
			new Message("santa@claus.northpole", "Rumours have it you've been bad", "I heard you went to school without doing your homework."),
			new Message("", "Running late for dinner", "Sorry, babes, I am running a little late tonight, can you just start without me?"),
			new Message("", "Hello, pardaner", "I just got shot up bad at the Wounded Knee. I took a bullet to the knee."),
			new Message("", "EVERYWHERE!", "I'm telling you, there were penguins everywhere. As far as the eye could see."),
			new Message("santa@claus.northpole", "Rumours have it you've been bad", "I heard you went to school without doing your homework."),
			new Message("", "Running late for dinner", "Sorry, babes, I am running a little late tonight, can you just start without me?"),
			new Message("", "Hello, pardaner", "I just got shot up bad at the Wounded Knee. I took a bullet to the knee."),
			new Message("", "EVERYWHERE!", "I'm telling you, there were penguins everywhere. As far as the eye could see.")

		function removeItem(sender) {

		function postponeItem(sender) {

		module.exports = {
			messages: messages,
			removeItem: removeItem,
			postponeItem: postponeItem

My goal is:

  • Swipe the first card (it shows the icon to click)
  • Swipe the second card (it show the icon to click and the first card goes back to the original position)

Android Example

I could not achieve this with anything on the docs. I might be missing something here.

Thank you again.

Anyone on this, please?